Contact Information:


Phone Number: (608)-257-3257

Bankruptcy Law Services is conveniently located on Madison's near-east side at 2453 Atwood Avenue with plenty of free parking. A few short blocks from Olbrich's Garden, across the street from Saint Bernard's Church.

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In Debt?





Are you in debt? With more than 40 years of experience, Attorney Mike Rynes is well-known and respected for his commitment to expert, prompt & affordable bankruptcy representation. Since May 1980 he has helped thousands of Wisconsin residents obtain debt relief.

If you are overwhelmed by debt, he may be able to help you stop the harassment you experience due to:

  •    Past due bills
  •    Collection calls from creditors and their agents
  •    Foreclosure
  •    Repossession
  •    Wage garnishment
  •    Shutoff of utility services

Please consider calling Attorney Mike Rynes today for a FREE, no obligation, consultation.

Mike will address your concerns about debt and discuss options for personal financial relief. From your first meeting with him, he will seek to identify and outline choices for you to resolve your debt. He may well be able to help you obtain a FRESH START so you can look forward to a brighter financial future.

Mike is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Wisconsin